Our Experience

Experiential Education

Experiential Education

How We
Can Help

From Karl’s years as a teacher and principal to our dedication to gap years, we have seen the power of experiential learning in preparing students for further education and career success.

Education That Works

Supporting New Models of Learning

A Gap Year is a semester or more of intentional time apart from formal education, typically taken between high school and college. Gap Years can be comprised of a series of experiences including volunteering, interning or career exploration, working, and traveling. Karl became familiar with the concept in the 1980s when he was a high school principal in Columbia, South Carolina. A couple of decades later, our youngest son, Adam, decided to take a gap year. It was transformational in the most positive sense. We have heard the same from numerous gappers over the years.

We have written two books on the subject:

We are honored to have received awards from the Gap Year Association:

  • Karl received the 1st Lifetime Achievement award from the Gap Year Association
  • Rae is the recipient of the 2020 Advancing the Gap Year Movement award

The highest reported outcome for a Gap Year student is "a better sense of who I am as a person and what is important to me."

-Gap Year American Style

Plan Of Action

Free Resource

The Gap Year Association is the not-for-profit organization dedicated to growing the gap year movement with integrity and safety and to supporting stakeholders in the community. We are proud to have served on its Board of Directors. Rae is a current Board Member.


Read Our Books

Reading our books is a good way to start your exploration of the Gap Year


Talk To Us

We are more than happy to provide advice, guidance, and referrals for families


Meet The Movement

Get to know other organizations and consultants in the industry through the Gap Year Association

Get In Touch

Can our experience help you or your organization? If so, let’s start the conversation!