Optimizing workforce engagement and performance across the employee life cycle is our passion.

Needs Analysis and Assessment. Customized solutions begin with an efficient, effective needs analysis process.
Since 1995, we have been partners of the leading assessment firm, SHL, and leverage their assessments in work with clients. We have delivered public training on SHL tools and have provided feedback sessions for hundreds of candidates and employees using tools such as the Occupational Personality Questionnaire and Verify tests for purposes of selection and development. www.shl.com
Learning and Development. Training is an event, learning is a process. We have developed and delivered customized learning opportunities to thousands of employees. Topics range from aspects of leadership, communication, and employee engagement to preventing harassment and building diverse and inclusive work environments. Our learning approach has helped organizations reinforce and measure the impact of learning.
In terms of engagement, we recommend Gallup’s Q12 survey and have developed related workshops for front-line workers, supervisors, and senior leaders. www.gallup.com